Transformers: Forged to Fight Wiki

Chapter 1: Council In Crisis[]

Mission 1: TCLOG Troublezzz[]

Part 1

  • Marissa Faireborn: Commander, Rhinox has been working with Ratchet in diagnosing what the Quints are using to "possess" bots. Major breakthroughs have been made.
  • Rhinox: If I may, we're calling it the TCLOG virus. It's like a kind of computer virus that functions by opening and closing neural processor pathways at random.
  • The victim's CPU can't cope with the stress, and once it shuts down, the virus fills it up with its own malicious coroutines.
  • This clogs the CPU and the Quintesson instructions dominate the bot's ability for rational thought.
  • Marissa: But the good news is...
  • Rhinox: It's reversible. I've been tinkering with a Neural Inhibitor device that Wheeljack used years ago to help with a Dinobot incident. Bottom line, there's hope.

Part 2

  • Marissa: It's time to see if the Neural Inhibitor works. Test case: Waspinator.
  • Rhinox: That's right, he's up ahead. He's infected with the TCLOG, and knowing him, he's willing to play the martyr.
  • He has some sort of delusions that the universe is against him. Let's just care of business and get him the help he needs.

Part 3

  • Starscream: My fellow Council members, the Commander approaches.
  • Death: Obviously, their thunderous movements are had to miss. What do you plan to do?
  • Starscream: Provide them with certain defeat at the hands of a pet Predacon I control named Waspinator.
  • Death: How can you so sure of a victory? Your track record suggests another failure looms.
  • Starscream: Simple. I employed the TCLOG virus and re-established a neural link I employed millennia ago to inhabit his mind. Waspinator, attack!
  • Waspinator:
    Wazzzzpinator do anything to get Planebot out of his mind. ARGHHHHH!!!!

Part 4

  • Rhinox: Let's get the bug back to HQ and test the effects of the Neural Inhibitor.
  • Ratchet: It could just be the key to cerebral freedom... for all sentient beings.

Mission 2: Cure Seeker[]

Part 1:

Rage: You have failed yet again, Starcream.

Starscream: What could you expect from that bug Waspinator whose finest quality is to reassemble himself?

Rage: So flippant, yet our surveillance of The Commander's HQ indicates said Waspinator was apparently "cured" and seen buzzing around their compound on patrol.

Starscream: They have a "cure" for the TCLOG?!

Laughter: So it would seem. That's why you're heading there to infiltrate and retrieve the "cure." Hahahaha...

Starscream: I think not. I don't do suicide missions. I'm sure there's someone more suited and expendible to send.

Part 2:

Marissa Faireborn: Good news, Commander, the Neural Inhibitor proved effective. We have the ability to bring allies back from the Quintesson's psychological manipulation.

Rhinox: Despite our history, I must say it was good to see old Waspinator stop worrying about the Quintessons and back to worrying about how the universe is out to get him.

Marrisa Faireborn: True, but we best be aware that a universe of bad guys are now likely out to get the Neural Inhibitor.

Part 3:

Rage: The spineless Starscream declined his mission to retrieve the TCLOG cure.

Starscream: Spineless? Or strategically wise and irriplacable? Sematics.

Rage: Shut your oratory hole Decepti-coward. Send someone useful... like that Autobot that turns invisible. I believe his name is Mirage.

Mirage: A sneak and retrieve mission? My specialty.

Rhinox: You heard their plan, Commander. Give that Inviso-bot a smackdown. We'll sort him out later.

Mission 3: Power Shift[]

Part 1:

Megatron (ROTF): I have received reports that the Autobots and their Earth Defense Command underlings have developed a device to counter the effects of The Quintessons' cerebral control mechanism.

Mixmaster: Surprising given the IQs gathered in their HQ.

Megatron(ROTF): Well, if you're so smart, I surmise it would be quite easy for you to take a contingent of my Sharkticons and retrieve whatever it is they possess.

Mixmaster: Yeah, I'll get it done. Even with this bunch of finned flunkies as back up.

Megatron(ROTF): Don't underestimate our new friends of enemies, Mixmaster...both are growing increasingly potent on intelligent by the day.

Part 2:

Sideswipe: Yo', Commander, looks like the mission is about to get heavy. Optimus is rolling in, and he looks more consternated as usual.

Optimus Prime: Consternated I am, Sideswipe, and kudos for upgrading your vocabulary data banks. I bear grave news.

Sideswipe: No way, really? What a surprise.

Optimus Prime: Save the sarcasm soldier. Megatron sent Mixmaster and some new Sharkticon minion to our HQ.

Unfortunately, they were able to get their metallic claws on the Neural Inhibitor. We must get it back before they are able to break its tech and use it against us. Roll out, now!

Part 3:

Megatron(ROTF): Ah, Mixmaster, you did not fail me. I trust the Sharkticons were capable in battle.

Mixmaster: That they were. They seemed to digest the Autobot tactics and adapt mid battle. Their abilities allowed me to secure the device they call the Neural Inhibitor.

Megatron(ROTF): Excellent! I predict the balance of power shifting decidedly in my...our...favor.

Optimus Prime: Megatron! Your prediction will never come true as long as we have the spark to fight. Commander, take from Mixmaster that which is ours.

Mission 4: Certified Kills[]

Part 1:

Megatron(ROTF): Here he is. You had one job. One simple job.

Mixmaster: Yes, I failed, but they were a squad of many. There was no way I could keep the Inhibitor without help.

Megatron(ROTF): Rest easy my Decepticon warrior. I enlisted the aid of a certain Quintesson Scientist... the one thought no longer functional by his traitorous comrades.

He was able to download and reverse engineer the neural Inhibitor before your defeat.

Mixmaster: That so? Does it work?

Megatron(ROTF):That's the question isn't it? I had him cleanse the Autobot Arcee with the Inhibitor the infect her with the TCLOG virus.

With a spark as fiercely loyal and protective as hers, it should be a suitable test.

Part 2:

Ultra Magnus: Arcee, you're a sight for sore optical orbs.

Arcee: And you're a sight ripe for my scope.

Prowl: Uh oh. She's under the influence of the TCLOG virus and definitely channelling her inner assassin.

Ultra Magnus: Let's allow her to gather her thoughts.

Prowl: You do that, big guy. I'll gather some ammo for the Commander. We're gonna need it.

Part 3:

Arcee: Hahaha. You do know I could have dropped you lumbering lug nuts several clicks ago?

Prowl: That wouldn't be sporting now, would it, Arcee?

Arcee: I don't care about sports, I care about certified kills.

Ultra Magnus: You're better than this

Arcee: No. I'm better than you.

Mission 5: Evolution[]

Part 1:

Megatron(ROTF): I have gathered you here to reaffirm that things are proceeding as planned.

Mixmaster: But the Commander was able to defeat the pink Autobot assassin.

Megatron(ROTF): Fool! She was but a test of technology - fodder to prove a point.

Scientist: To prove the point I'm back, and with my brains...

Megatron(ROTF): ...and my might, the Quintessons, Autobots and all who stand in my way... will be decimated.

Part 2:

Judgement: Starscream! Stand before the Council!

Starscream: But of course, my respected colleagues. What is it?

Rage: WHAT IS IT?! It is the SCIENTIST! He is BACK!

Starscream: That's... that's impossible. I assure you, he was taken care of.

Death: Reliable sources suggest otherwise. Reliable sources claim he is in the employ of Megatron.

Starscream: Reliable Sources?!

Death: Sources reliable enough... to end our arrangement... and guarantee your cessation of functioning.

Part 3:

Arcee: Megatron's up ahead. Optimus, let me take him out. No one gets in my head without paying the price.

Optimus Prime: Stand down, Arcee. It is prudent to know what we are up against before we engage in combat.

Scientist: Let me help you with your knowledge acquisition. You are up against my greatest creation. Before you stands S1000... the next step in advancement of the Sharkticon species.

S1000: Creation? Think again. Me and my kind are the product of evolution.

Megatron(ROTF): S1000, why don't you show the Commander what evolution can do.

Mission 6: Proof of Death[]

Part 1:

Optimus Prime: Yet again, we were able to defeat a challenge put forth by Megatron in this ongoing shift of power, but...

Marissa Faireborn: I can't help feeling he's just testing us.

Optimus Prime: Correct, Marissa. He's amassing troops and technology. His new S1000 Sharkticons and growing cadre of Decepticon lieutenants foreshadow the end of Quintesson supremancy...

Marissa Faireborn: And even more dire times for our party. Desperate measures may soon be our only option.

Part 2:

Judgement: Starscream, your moment of atonement or banishment approaches with the steady advancement of The Commander's forces.

Starscream: Atonement? Banishment? Such harsh words for a situation where proof is yet to be provided.

Judgement: If it is proof you demand...

Scientist: ...then proof I will provide. I live, I breathe, I function...all in order to see you all die! That includes you my traitorous Quintesson brethen.

Starscream: By the horns of Unicron, he has risen from the dead.

Judgement: Stop with the lies, Decepticon. It is too late for you!

Scientist: Correction. It is too late for ALL of you! The time of Megatron is NOW!

Part 3:

Rage: Your lies and trickery end here, Starscream! It is time for The Commander to rid us of your treachery.

Starscream: And if I refuse to fight?

Rage: You mean AGAIN?! It matters not.

Death: This isn't a choice. Fight or we shall kill you. Lose and you are banished.

Starscream: If I win?

Wisdom: You can cross that Space Bridge should you reach it. But I calculate the prospects to not favor such and outcome.

Starscream: ARGH! You have not heard the last of me. LET'S DO THIS!

Chapter 2: Deadly Alliances[]

1: Desperate Times[]

Part 1:

Marissa Faireborn: Optimus, Commander... We are receiving urgent communiques from the Quintessons.

Optimus Prime: Suspect, but predictable. I imagine Megatron's rise to power has them reconsidering their options.

Marissa: If Teletraan's analysis is correct, Megatron's recent territorial advances and newfound alliances would make him the dominant player in New Quintessa.

Optimus Prime: Megatron's dominance may lead to strange, but necessary strategic alliances.

Part 2:

Optimus Prime: Marissa told me you wish to speak. So, speak.

Wisdom: I will be blunt as time is of the essence. Megatron's power grows to the brink of being unstoppable.

Optimus Prime: And that causes you to lose your grip on power. How does that concern the Commander and our allies?

Wisdom: You have enough wisdom to comprehend that if we do not curb Megatron's quest for power, we are all doomed.

Optimus Prime: Are you suggesting a partnership to prevent this?

Wisdom: Desperate times make desperate... "Partners."

Part 3:

Wisdom: As we predicted. The one called Bludgeon awaits in the service of Megatron.

Bludgeon: I'm not in the service of anyone., Quintesson quisling. I go where the power lies. And obviously, it does not lie with you.

Optimus Prime: So you have succumbed to Megatron's lies.

Bludgeon: Lies? Semantics. I am a Decepticon. What do you expect? Now, leave the land of Megatron... Or taste my blade!

2: Dubious Partners[]

Part 1:

Optimus Prime (MV1): Commander. Megatron is marshalling his forces in the Wasteland. As he is from our reality, I'm sending Ironhide with you on this mission. His insight may prove useful.

Ironhide: What kind of insights do you need? Load your weapons and get ready to blast.

Optimus Prime(MV1): A brash yet sound strategy my friend. The Quintessons have provided coordinates to where they believe Megatron may be hiding...

Ironhide: And you believe them?

Optimus Prime(MV1): I believe that in our current circumstances , we must take certain measures we might not otherwise take. And... I believe you and the Commander are equipped to take such measures.

Part 2:

Ironhide: Are we locked and loaded? Better be, because it look like we've got another Megatron minion to mow down.

Soundwave: Incorrect. I am no minion. Megatron is my leader, but I only obey the one true Megatron. The MEgatron you pursue is not one I would trust.

Ironhide: Trust a Megatron? Bah. I don't care what reality you're from, that's a laugh.

Soundwave: I do not understand your humor, but the Megatron you seek is unstable and traitorous. I calculate your mission to be foolish. As foolish as trusting Quintessons.

Ironhide: Thanks for the words of wisdom. Now, either get out of the way, or prepare to become a pile of Decepticon scrap.

Part 3:

Bonecrusher: Intruder alert! Proceed no further.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Whoa, this Con is taking his job pretty seriously. Let's skip the formalities. Tell your boss it's time to play.

Bonecrusher: We don't play around here... Me or my "boss." We do work.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Work? What kind of work could a useless backhoe like you do?

Bonecrusher: Trash disposal. Specifically, Autobot trash metal.

3: Mixing For The Master[]

Part 1:

Scientist: Your boss, Megatron seems to surround himself with less than capable combatants.

Mixmaster: What are you implying?

Scientist: I imply nothing. I state facts. Your colleague, Bonecrusher was the latest Megatron recruit to fall to the Commander.

Mixmaster: I'd watch my words if I were you. Megatron treats dissension rather harshly.

Scientist: Rather than watching my words I'm going to level the playing field for your master.

Mixmaster: How?

Scientist: By unleashing my greatest creation on the battlefield - the S1000! Now go on and distract the Commander while I put the finishing touches on my killing machine.

Part 2:

Marissa: Commander, as a measure of good faith, the Quintessons have agreed to accompany you on this mission.

Drift: I have no faith is this measure. They are plotting something.

Rage: We plot nothing. We seek to assist in defeating Megatron.

Drift:There must be more...

Rage: If you consider exacting revenge on the traitorous Scientist, then yes, there is more.

Drift: Your revenge is your business, Megatron is our business. Let's go.

Part 3:

Scientist: The Commander arrives. Mixmaster, I must go and complete my work. I trust you can take care of their crew.

Mixmaster: Leave them to me. You're not the only one capable of creating weapons of destruction. The Commander is about to understand the consequences of the full range of my unbridled powers.

Scientist: Sounds interesting, too bad I can't stay and witness the battle. Now, go get unbridled and buy me the time that I need!

4: Frenzy[]

Part 1:

Marissa: Bumblebee's scouting report on this area show some strange findings.

Optimus Prime: Strange does not usually equate with favorable in this strange land. What were his findings?

Marissa: He said the territory we are entering has an abundance of Sharkticons.

Optimus Prime: That does not sound so strange. We have encountered such areas here before.

Marissa: But Bee said these ones were somehow different. He surveilled some of them fighting. He said they appeared to have a new mod.

Optimus Prime: If the Quintesson Scientist is in league with Megatron, this could make sense. Could he discern the mod's effect?

Marissa: He kept his distance, but from what he could see, the mod seems to send the Sharkticons into a frenzy when they fight.

Part 2:

Megatron(ROTF): Scientist, you beg for time, and the time has come for you to deliver. Where is this secret weapon you boast of?

Scientist: Fortuitous timing. Finally, my creation is ready to permanently shift the balance of power. Megatron, meet S-1000. S-1000, meet Megatron...

Megatron(ROTF): Your master.

S-1000: Master?! I am a sentient being. What do you mean?

Megatron(ROTF): Sentient, yes. Free, no. At least not until you've earned it.

S-1000: And, how do I earn it?

Megatron(ROTF): By defeating those who seek to permanently enslave all being - the Autobots!

Part 3:

Optimus Prime: Waspinator, what are you doing here? You are not on this mission's roster.

Waspinator: Wazzzpinator tired of staying at HQ and polishing Autobot tailpipes. Wasp need action!

Optimus Prime: No offense, but these Sharkticons are enhanced and in frenzy mode. I fear you would be fighting out of your weight class.

Waspinator: Maybe Wazzzpinator haz other tools at hiz dispozzzal to help defeat Fishbots.

Optimus Prime: I do suppose you are here now. Alright, you may accompany the Commander, but stay out of the way and try not to get blown up.

Part 4:

Waspinator: Human-boss. Wazzzpinator says be careful. I flew ahead, and the Fishbot here is bigger and much hungrier than the otherzzz.

S-1000: The bug may talk funny but his advice is sound. I am much hungrier than my fellow Sharkticons. I am S-1000, and I MUST FEED!

Waspinator: Why you so angry and hungry? Wazzzpinator say that's not healthy for you.

S-1000: I hunger for that which is promised me, for that which drives me... Freedom.

Waspinator: Who makes such a promise? And Why does Fish-1000 want to fight us? Wazzzpinator thinks maybe we can talk things over...

S-1000: There is no time for talk. Megatron promised me freedom for the price of your lives. Freedom is what I am owed. Freedom is what I will have. Sorry, but it's FEEDING TIME!

5: Trust But Verify[]

Part 1:

Prowl: Congratulations, Commander. From what I hear, you delivered another decisive blow to Megatron's tyrannical aspirations.

Wisdom: You sound so sure, but the Sharkticon you defeated was "enhanced" by our disloyal Scientist.

Prowl: Enhanced, created, forged, birthed... It doesn't matter. That S-1000 thing was beaten and beaten badly.

Rage: You impetuous fools. The Scientist was working on an Adaptive Processor technology before he was exiled. If he used it on the S-1000, the so-called beating only made him stronger.

Prowl: What does this tech do?

Wisdom: It accelerates one's ability to learn, adapt, and evolve from adversity. You've basically leveled up his knowledge and abilities which he in turn will someday use to exact his revenge.

Part 2:

Prowl: Hey boss., I've got a bad feeling that these Quintessons are leading us on a wild bot chase.

Optimus Prime: Healthy suspicion is prudent, old friend.

Prowl: But how can you trust them?

Optimus Prime: I believe the human phrase is trust... But verify.

Prowl: I guess that's a plan, hunt down Megatron and then verify the Quintessons' veracity through aggressive interrogation.

Optimus Prime: First things first, let us find Megatron.

Part 3:

Prowl: We found one of Megatron's main perps. Time to throw the book at him.

Barricade: Your jargon is dated, Autobot. Perp? Really?

Prowl: Yeah, you're a perpetrator... Of treacherous Decepticon crimes and aiding and abetting Megatron's rise to power. For that, you're going to pay.

Barricade: Bah! When this is done it will be you who is punished... And the Commander who will be enslaved. All hail, Megatron!

6: Fight Or Flight[]

Part 1:

Prowl: Barricade has been apprehended, but I feel we're no closer to finding Megatron.

Judgement: You're the officer on patrol, track down Drift. Our calculations indicate he will lead you to out collective nemesis.

Prowl: Back off. Drift is one of us. He's an Autobot!

Judgement: Is he? Can you be sure?

Optimus Prime: What forms the basis of your calculations?

Judgement: Drift is from Megatron's reality. He was once a Decepticon, was he not?

Prowl: That proves nothing! Bots change...

Judgement: And can also change back. Megatron can be deceptively persuasive given the proper tools.

Part 2:

Prowl: I've been thinking, Optimus.

Optimus Prime: You have the mind of a detective, one of your greatest assets. What is it?

Prowl: The Quints have us chasing down yet another lead. Megatron, I get. We all know he must be stopped. But now they have us hunt Drift, one of our own, because Megatron somehow kidnapped him or persuaded Drift to turn? I don't buy it.

Optimus Prime: I understand your misgivings, but strange thing happen in this strange land.

Prowl: But they know too much. They aren't from Drift's reality, but know his past affiliation. How? They are hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is... By any means necessary.

Part 3:

Judgement: It is as we said. The trail leads your party to Drift and his master... Megatron!

Megatron(ROTF): Master? Hardly, at least not yet. I happened upon the sword wielding Autobot while attending to other business.

Prowl: A likely story. But Drift, what are you doing here?

Drift: I... I don't know. It was as though I was in stasis walk, and awoke here. But... What I do know is... I feel an inexplicable rage, an anger, a hatred that can only be quelled... By spilling the Energon of Autobots!

Megatron(ROTF): Evidently your "friend" is possessed by a force, but know this , it was not of my doing. Someday perhaps, but not now.


Megatron(ROTF): Ah, someone's protest is filled with the stench of panic. Autobot, I suggest you look no further than the squid-like vermin you associate with.


Megatron(ROTF): Enough of this! I have business to attend to, as do you. Next we meet, you die... If you survive that long.

Part 4:

Wisdom: The Prime is sure to discover our manipulation programming of Drift when they return to their HQ.

Judgement: Which will create a dire scenario... Face Autobot justice or face Megatron's inevitable wrath? Neither choice is likely to produce a positive outcome.

Wisdom: All calculations lead to the same course of action... Flee this planet.

Rage: AGAIN!? Have we no dignity!?

Judgement: It is better that we sacrifice our dignity than our lives.

Wisdom: He is right. This tactic has worked for us before and it is our only choice. Prepare the ship.

Rage: So be it. But, I promise you this... WE SHALL RETURN!

Chapter 3: Showdown[]

1: Tired Refrains[]

Part 1:

Marissa Faireborn: Optimus, we have confirmed that the Quintessons have fled the planet. But what now? Some of our allies are growing restless. Despair grows.

Optimus Prime: I know when we face our darkest hour... Faith grows dim. But we must always remember, light will prevail if we never let the spark of hope extinguish.

Marissa: Nice speech, but are words enough?

Optimus Prime: It is not a speech. It is the truth we must persue if we are to prevail. Just as it is Megatron we must persue if we hope to escape this planet and return to our homes.

Part 2:

Megatron (ROTF): So, Scientist, yet again you have failed to live up to the promise of your name. Science has not prevailed. The S-1000 was defeated. I see no value in retaining your meager services.

Scientist: The S-1000 is somehow metabolizing the Dark Energon content of the atmosphere. Organics possess inherent challenges.

Megatron(ROTF): And your current challenge is finding a way to persuade me to let you live.

Grindor: Failing Lord Megatron is no longer an option for you, Scientist.

Scientist: I understand the nature of your threat, it is not subtle. Nor is my solution to our Commander "problem."

I have managed to tap into the unlimited potential of this planet's Energon. With this, I have devised the ultimate solution!

Grindor: Your "ultimate solution" dictates your survival. There will be no more chances after this.

Part 3:

Grindor: All hail Lord Megatron!

Optimus Prime: That is becoming a tired refrain.

Grindor: Flee like the Quintessons... Or prepare to hear the refrain until you cease to function.

Optimus Prime: Tired refrains are a nuisance the Commander and I can withstand. Megatron and his minions seizing control of the planet we cannot. Commander, the battle is yours.

2: Trust Issues[]

Part 1:

Ramjet: Lord Megatron, I have news of Grindor.

Megatron(ROTF): Do you think I do not know? I know all. It is why I rule all.

Ramjet: Of course, but do you know that Shockwave and Soundwave conspire against you?

Megatron(ROTF): What?! Decepticons conspire against me?

Ramjet: Yes, they are of a different reality... Mine. They await their master, and it is not you.

Megatron(ROTF): I see. But, why should I trust you? Are you not from their reality?

Ramjet: My reality is my survival... And yours. I shall do whatever it takes to ensure my... Our... Survival.

Part 2:

Optimus Prime: Commander, all indications are that Megatron in broadening his coalition of Decepticon evil.

Waspinator: The big truckbot is right. Wazpinator hazzz flied ahead and seen the future. The one called Ramjet lurks in the shadowzzz.

Optimus Prime: Are there others?

Waspinator: Yes. Wazpinator could only scout so far ahead, but I did see the lizzzardbot Predacon sharpening his bladezzz.

Optimus Prime: Lizardbot Predacon? Do you mean Dinobot?

Waspinator: That is what Wazpinator said. Why does no one ever listen to Wazpinator? Wazpinator tired of all this. Wazpinator going back to the HQ.

Part 3:

Ramjet: The Commander and the Prime. This should serve as sufficient proof of my loyalty.

Optimus Prime: Loyalty to whom? Megatron? I thought Starscream would be more your cup of Energon.

Ramjet: You fools do not see the truth that surrounds you. Lord Megatron is the future. Bow to him, or become a pile of scrap on the junkyard of the past.

Optimus Prime: You know better than to think we shall ever surrender the future to the likes of you or your despotic lord.

Ramjet: I'm not asking for surrender, I'm offering death!

3: Pledge Of Allegiance[]

Part 1:

Mirage: Commander, I just got back from a solid bit of inviso-scouting and I'd asses that the green bug was right.

Waspinator: Wazpinator is alwayzzz right but never believed.

Mirage: Dinobot is out there and he does appear to be in Megatron's command.

Rhinox: But he joined the Maximal and Autobot cause! Why would he side with Megatron?

Waspinator: Why wouldn't he? Once a Predacon, alwayzzz a Decepticon.

Part 2:

Rhinox: Dinobot, you're a welcome arrival. I'm glad we found you before Megatron.

Dinobot: You presume something you don't know. I have spoken to someone that calls himself Megatron.

Rhinox: Surely you know he is not to be believed.

Dinobot: He said you were led by a human. That appears to be true.

Rhinox: The Commander leads us in pursuit of freedom. The Primes endorse it, as do I.

Dinobot: Primes?! Commander? A preponderance of leaders never fares well. I have seen Megatron and the power he wields...

Rhinox: Power corrupted by the ambitions of darkness.

Dinobot: Power I intend to yield to, until it is my time to wield it.

Part 3:

Rhinox: Dinobot, come to your senses. Honor what you once were.

Dinobot: And what would that be? A Maximal or a Predacon? An Autobot or a Decepticon?

Rhinox: You are a Maximal... A brother in arms!

Dinobot: No, I am a warrior. The honor I seek is on the battlefield, not in faction titles or meaningless pledges of allegiance.

Rhinox: If that's how it's going to be...

Dinobot: That is how it is.

4: Insanity Check[]

Part 1:

Ultra Magnus: Mirage just got back from a scouting mission and brace yourself, the insanity readings are off the charts.

Marissa: What does that mean?

Ultra Magnus: Apparently Galvatron has landed on New Quintessa, he's situated right in the middle of Megatron's stronghold.

Marissa: Do you think he's aligned with Megatron? He couldn't possibly be working for him.

Ultra Magnus: Working for? No. Working with? Possibly. If anyone is crazy enough to think they can deal with Megatron, it's Galvatron.

Part 2:

Megatron(ROTF): News of your arrival has spread and stirred a certain amount of dread amongst the Autobots.

Galvatron: As it should. And what does my arrival mean to you?

Megatron(ROTF): Opportunity.

Galvatron: Not fear?

Megatron(ROTF): Hardly, I fear no one. But I embrace the opportunity to partner with one whose reputation is as ruthless as yours.

Galvatron: I don't know about partner, but I'm willing to entertain an arrangement, as long as it involves destroying Autobots... And anyone who gets in the way of my cannon!

Part 3:

Ultra Magnus: So the rumors are true. You really are here. Is the second part of the rumor true? The rumor that you are working for Megatron?

Galvatron: I work for no one, you fool! I partner with those that help me get what I want.

Ultra Magnus: And that is?

Galvatron: Death to all Autobots and their insufferable little human pets!

5: Abuse Of Science[]

Part 1:

Megatron(ROTF): Scientist, present yourself. Your day of reckoning awaits you.

Scientist: Lord Megatron, I have been busy in my lab. I assume your warriors are clearing the land of our Autobot foes.

Megatron(ROTF): Perhaps you'd like a recap of how your tech served them? Grindor... Vanquished. Ramjet... Grounded. Dinobot... Declawed. And Galvatron lost to whatever madness grips his circuitry.

Scientist: I am not to blame for their inadequacy as fighters.

Megatron(ROTF): But you are to blame for the tech that failed them.

Part 2:

Optimus Prime (MV1): Ratchet, have you been able to break down the tech behind Megatron's new mods? His minions grow more powerful with each encounter.

Ratchet: All indicators are that the tech is Quintesson in nature. The type of mods that their estranged Scientist would create.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Course of action?

Ratchet: Unfortunately, time is of the essence. We must defeat Megatron before he can coalesce his tech with the formidable powers of his allies.

Optimus Prime(MV1): So stay the course. Commander. you know what to do... Persevere... It is all we can do.

Part 3:

Megatron(ROTF): The Commander approaches. S-1000, are you ready to do what must be done to secure your freedom?

S-1000: I was forged ready!

Megatron(ROTF): Were you not forged by the Scientist? He claims credit for what you are and the enhancements you've acquired.

S-1000: He claims credit where none is due. Just as he makes false promises of his technical prowess. Disabuse yourself of that fool.

Megatron(ROTF): That is the plan, but first he shall suffer some abuse.

Part 4:

Optimus Prime(MV1): Megatron, it is time. Or will you maintain the cowardice and sacrifice your underlings yet again?

S-1000: I sacrifice no one. I merely allow them to fight for what they seek. In this case, the S-1000 fights for his freedom, something you claim to know so much about.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Surely the Sharkticon does not fall for such lies. His kind will never be free as long as your tyranny infects this land.

S-1000: I fall for nothing. I do what I must, and trust in my evolving powers to take care of the rest. And now, my powers will take care of you!

6: Mega Showdown[]

Part 1:

Megatron(ROTF): Scientist, your time is up.

Scientist: But, Lord Megatron, my research is so close to completion.

Megatron(ROTF): Your research is neverending, like your failures. S-1000, dispatch with this worthless Quintesson.

Scientist: But didn't S-1000 fail to beat the Commander? This doesn't make sense. What purpose does he serve?

S-1000: Unlike you, I have not outlived my usefulness.

Scientist: But I created you.

S-1000: That was your folly. You created your own demise!

Scientist: Arggggghhhhhh!

Part 2:

Optimus Prime(MV1): Commander, ready your weapons. Hostiles approach.

Shockwave: Your apprehension is logical. However, we come not in peace, but in a state of truce.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Why should we trust the likes of you, Decepticon?

Soundwave: Because we have a common foe.

Shockwave: Soundwave is correct. The Megatron that inhabits the wasteland poses a threat that must be eradicated.

Optimus Prime(MV1): You would turn on a Decepticon?

Shockwave: He is of your reality, not mine. His action dictate he must be stopped. Follow us, we know his location.

Part 3:

Bumblebee (DOTM): How do we know that this is not a trap? I mean, c'mon. Optimus, this smells like a setup.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Desperate times, my friend. But Bee is justified in questioning your motives given our history.

Shockwave: Our history should not prevent out survival in the present. I do not seek your friendship, just your assistance in defeating our common enemy.

Bumblebee(DOTM): What makes him your enemy? I don't get it.

Shockwave: His tactics are ruthless and unacceptable. More importantly, he has occupied my research facility. That alone is reason enough to cast aside past differences and form a temporary alliance.

Bumblebee(DOTM): So he gets a new gun or a shiny new armor plating.

Shockwave: Your limited capacity likely cannot comprehend the nature of my studies. But I can assure you with 100 percent certainty, if he unlocks the true nature of where my research may lead, then we will all cease to exist.

Part 4:

Shockwave: This is the research facility we seek.

Megatron(ROTF): You don't really seek a research facility do you, traitorous Decepticon? You seek me.

Shockwave: I seek to further my research in the name of serving logic.

Optimus Prime(MV1): He may not seek you, but the Commander and I do. We seek to end your reign of terror over the beings trapped here on New Quintessa.

Megatron(ROTF): Oh, I'm sure they'll love that. One dictator replaced by another. At least they know what they get with me.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Enough talk. There is no more running. The light of freedom will now shine upon all, and you shall fall!

Part 5:

Soundwave: Congratulations, Commander. Megatron is vanquished... And has vanished...

Optimus Prime(MV1): For now. Experience teaches that he possesses great resilience. What of our truce?

Shockwave: It is time to terminate it. We are allied no longer. We can't be...

Bumblebee(DOTM): Because we are Autobots...

Shockwave: And we are Decepticons!

Chapter 4: Shocking Answers[]

1: Mega Returns[]

Part 1:

Bumblebee: Things are getting pretty seismic out there.

Optimus Prime: If I am to understand you correctly, your scouting mission was eventful?

Bumblebee: If you consider a Megatron sighting as eventful, then yep!

Marissa Faireborn: But he was just defeated and fled in disgrace. No readings indicate his presence anywhere on the planet.

Bumblebee: Wrong Megatron. OUR Megatron is now in the house and looking hostile as ever.

Marissa: Will this ever end?

Optimus Prime: It is time we made that happen.

Part 2:

Soundwave: My auditory sensors suggest what we, true Decepticons, have been waiting for. He is back.

Shockwave: You are stating something I am aware of.

Soundwave: You misunderstand. Lord Megatron is back and he's near. I was able to geo-locate him. His proximity is nearby.

Shockwave: I calculate that the Autobots know about this, too. We must find him before they do. Haste is a priority.

Soundwave: I am in agreement. We must find our master, but I am not sure why we must proceed in haste.

Shockwave: My research reveals there is more to this planet than meets your optical receptors. Megatron must be informed of its secrets, before the Autobots learn of them. The Decepticon mission... my mission... is at stake.

Part 3:

Bumblebee: See, Optimus, old Megatrouble IS here!

Optimus Prime: I can see that, my friend. The question is why here... and why now?

Megatron: I'm here to test your mettle... and metal. Just like old times.

Optimus Prime: A simple answer conceals a more ominous motive.

Megatron: Very good detective work, Optimus. Did you consult Perceptor for that piece of enlightenment?

Optimus Prime: This is not the time for sarcasm and insult, Megatron...nor conflict. There are forces on New Quintessa beyond our control, perhaps beyond our comprehension.

Megatron: There is only one force beyond your control... me, Lord Megatron! Save your warnings for those weak enough to heed them. And, as to the time for conflict, that time is now!

2: Converging Forces[]

Part 1:

Bumblebee: Holy snapping fan belts! Megatrons, Decepticons, Quintessons! This place is chaos. We've gotta get out of here!

Optimus Prime: I am afraid it is not that easy. Even if we found a way, I fear leaving could trigger universal cataclysm.

Bumblebee: Sheesh, thanks for the pep talk, boss.

Ratchet: Optimus, I know Bumblebee is new to the planet, but he does have a point. This convergence of heavy hitters is reaching a point of volatility that is about to explode.

Optimus Prime: In our darkest hours, we always find a way to prevail. We will find the answers we seek, or the answers will find us. Keep calm and roll on!

Part 2:

Motormaster: Shockwave! I heard that Megatron, the real Megatron, was here and has mysteriously vanished?!

Shockwave: It is correct that Megatron is now present on New Quintessa.

Motormaster: So where is he? What exactly is going on here? I want answers and I want them now!

Shockwave: He engaged the Commander. Results are uncertain.

Motormaster: So he lost and ran?

Shockwave: That is not in Megatron's nature. Recalibrating is more likely. But until we find him, the Decepticon... The true Decepticon cause needs your dedication.

Motormaster: Yeah, yeah I'm a Decepticon. But here? I don't know if that means anything anymore. Why should I help?

Shockwave: We have strength in numbers, to remain loyal is the logical path to preservation. There are forces and technology in play here that transcend time as we know it. Decepticon solidarity equates to Decepticon survival.

Part 3:

Bumblebee: Optimus, Commander, Motormaster in up ahead. Looks like he is charging up his Ionizer Blades.

Motormaster: Does up ahead mean right in front of you? Man, for a scout you are a pile of scrap.

Optimus Prime:

Motormaster: What makes you think I need help? The King of the Road doesn't need help. Especially not yours.

Optmus Prime: Like all who stand in our way, I offer fair warning. You are in over your head, Motormaster.

Motormaster: Why does everyone keep saying that? You, Shockwave... Everyone thinks they've got the secret to survival. Well, if you've got the secret to survival, you better use it now. 'cuz you're going to need it!

3: Inferior Loyalty[]

Part 1:

Soundwave: Starscream , your presence here does not compute.

Starscream: Whatever do you mean, my dear old comrade?

Soundwave: You have proven yourself inferior as a warrior and ally too many times to be useful or trusted. You cease to function to me.

Starscream: But everyone knows that Lord Megatron is back and one might say... Getting the band back together. Surely you need all the warm chassis you can get.

Soundwave: Loyal chassis only.

Starscream: Ah, that same old accusation. It's getting tired. But, if it's proof you need, proof you shall have.

Part 2:

Mirage: I've got a bad feeling about this, Bee. Things are getting out of hand.

Bumblebee: I hear ya'. I don't know what to expect, but from Motormatser's cryptic words, I'd say the worst is yet to come.

Mirage: It's times like these I'm glad I can turn invisible.

Bumblebee: Sometimes I wish I could, too. But, Optimus and the Commander gave us a job to do. Let's do it!

Part 3:

Soundwave: Proceed no further. It is time to teach a traitor the meaning of loyalty.

Bumblebee: Whoa, that's pretty off base. I'm as loyal as they come!

Soundwave: Not you, Autobot moron. Him!

Starscream: Bah! Go ahead, Soundwave, but save some for me!

Part 4:

Starscream: Hahaha! You call that loyalty, you overrated beatbox?

Soundwave: It was a display of what you do not possess, loyalty.

Starscream: I call that a display of failure. Step aside and see how it's done!

4: The Gamechanger[]

Part 1:

Ramjet: Let me guess, more trouble in the land of chaos?

Shockwave: Cool your jets, Seeker.

Motormaster: "Cool your jets?" Really? I don't know if you're trying to be punny, but save your exhaust.

Shockwave: "Punny" is not a word. Humor is not a logical form of communication. I was articulating that you should rest and prepare for impending conflict.

Ramjet: With who? That fake Megatron? He's long gone. He couldn't handle the heat.

Shockwave: No, with the arrayed forces of the Autobots and their irrational human allies. The situation with them is entering a new and dire phase. Anticipate Energon to be spilled.

Part 2:

Ramjet: I've been thinking, Shockwave, why did you call on me to run protection for you. Why not Starscream? He's more your paygrade.

Shockwave: That sycophant has failed and betrayed the Decepticons one too many times.

Ramjet: No scrap, right? Once a Starscream, always a Starscream.

Starscream: Excuse me, I'm standing right here. My auditory sensors work.

Shockwave: I am aware of that.

Ramjet: The truth hurts, don't it?

Starscream: Bahhhh! Who needs you anyway!?

Part 3:

Prowl: Incoming hostile!

Starscream: Relax, friends. I mean you no harm.

Prowl: Friends? You've taken one too many shots to the cockpit.

Starscream: Ok. "Friend" may be stretch. But I do come bearing news that may be of interest.

Optimus Prime: State your business. What does this pertain to?

Starscream: Ramjet lurks ahead preparing to ambush you.

Optimus Prime: As are others. What is the significance?

Starscream: He is working for Shockwave as that cold sparked power seeker does "research". You do know he has blueprints to some sort of ancient device... a real gamechanger.

Optimus Prime: And your motive for divulging this?

Starscream: What do you think? Revenge!

Part 4:

Prowl: For once Starscream's info proves true, Ramjet is lurking in wait. I guess it's not much of an ambush if we know you're there.

Ramjet: A heads up from that snivelling tailpipe kisser won't save you.

Prowl: Save us from what? A load of scrap talk followed by a failed kamikaze attack. Not afraid.

Ramjet: You would be if you knew what Shockwave has in store for you. But for now, it's my turn to rain the pain on you!

5: They Were Here[]

Part 1:

Optimus Prime (MV1): Ratchet, the Matrix of Leadership has spoken with me.

Optimus Prime: And, with me.

Ratchet: But, it is in the possession of the Commander for safe keeping.

Optimus Prime: It contains all that we are, all that we know, and the collective Spark.

Optimus Prime(MV1): And, possession does not prevent it from communicating with the chosen ones in times of peril.

Ratchet: Which I assume these are based on any rational assessment of the situation. My studies cannot find a cause. Surely it is not Shockwave.

Optimus Prime: He deludes himself if he thinks he is. He is but a dangerous meddler in events.

Optimus Prime(MV1): A meddler that must be stopped before he awakens the wrath...

Optimus Prime: ...of the Original Primes.

Part 2:

Soundwave: Shockwave, I require you to tell me. I will not participate in your machinations without knowledge.

Shockwave: It is time. I shall inform you why I have gathered all here.

Soundwave: You gathered all? Does not compute.

Shockwave: My research revealed this to be a power nexus, a place where incalculable powers will collide.

Soundwave: Autobots and Decepticons?

Shockwave: Powers beyond and before such factions existed.

Soundwave: Why be present at a point of imminent destruction?

Shockwave: So Decepticons may survive, and in turn... Rule all.

Part 3:

Soundwave: Halt. None shall pass. Shockwave's orders.

Optimus Prime: He is precisely why we are here. We must talk to him before it is too late.

Optimus Prime(MV1): This is not Autobot versus Decepticon. If our suspicions are correct, he is tampering with the weapons of...

Optimus Prime: Gods.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Tell us where he is.

Soundwave: ...

Optimus Prime(MV1): Factions, rivalries, ancient feuds and endless war must be set aside. The potential consequences demand it.

Soundwave: ...

6: They Are Here?[]

Part 1:

Optimus Primal: You summoned me?

Optimus Prime: That's right, we did. We know you are new here, but the hour is the darkest, the peril is the gravest.

Optimus Prime(MV1): It is time we Primes unite and show Shockwave the full power of the Primes.

Optimus Primal: A showdown with THE SHockwave? Well, that's just prime.

Optimus Prime(MV1): ?

Optimus Primal: It's a thing I say, like a catchphrase.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Now is not the time for catchphrases. Now is the time for action.

Optimus Prime: I concur. Primes, roll out!

Part 2:

Soundwave: The Autobots and the Commander have been delayed.

Shockwave: Do they cease to function?

Soundwave: Negative. They were superior in numbers.

Shockwave: I calculate that it will be of little consequence. The Forge is almost finished.

Soundwave: Forge?

Shockwave: The key to ultimate power. The Forge of Solus Prime.

Soundwave: My databanks register that as a legend.

Shockwave: A legend it is not. A reality it soon will be thanks to the secrets this planet has revealed.

Part 3:

Optimus Primal: I've made a lot of history, I even saved history, but the artifacts, the statues, the relics that I've seen here suggest a history before the time I know.

Optimus Prime: Your observations align with our conclusions. We are in a land where Primes once lived, the original Primes.

Optimus Primal: That would explain the statue of Solus Prime I saw when I first got here.

Optimus Prime: Where was this?

Optimus Primal: In the wasteland past the research facility ahead.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Shockwave's research facility. If Solus Prime was here, then he may be building...

Optimus Prime: The Forge of Solus Prime. Now more than ever, we must...


Part 4:

Optimus Primal: Guess what time it is Shockwave? That's right, it's Prime Time!

Optimus Prime(MV1): We know about the Forge.

Shockwave: A piece of a grand puzzle.

Optimus Prime: But a forge without a smith is useless.

Shockwave: Sparks are made to be resurrected. You of all bots should know that, Primes.

Optimus Prime(MV1): Which is why you will be forced to relinquish the Forge.

Shockwave: It is too late. It is in safe hands. The proper hands.

Optimus Primal: Megatron?

Shockwave: Speculation is unnecessary. You will not function long enough to find what you seek. Commence your demise.
