Transformers: Forged to Fight Wiki

This is the transcript dialogue for the Spotlight Mission "Galvatron Rising."

Chapter 1 - Rumblings[]

Insanity Landing[]

Part 1[]

  • Optimus Prime (MV1): Bee, what did your latest scouting foray reveal?
  • Bumblebee (DOTM): Nothing less than an off the charts seismic reading of Decepticon badness.
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): The Commander will need more than that to go on...
  • Bumblebee: I know, it's just that the whole area is on edge. There's a sense of craziness... as though a deranged presence has arrived.
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): More deranged than usual?
  • Bumblebee: Yeah, next level deranged.

Part 2[]

  • Bumblebee: Commander, remember when I talked about deranged? This is what I was talking about.
  • Motormaster: Shut it you insipid yellow blather-bot! This isn't the time or place.
  • Bumblebee: You seem nervous, motor-mouth, What's rattling your chassis, big guy?
  • Motormaster: Isn't it obvious? There's a new boss calling the shots... and he definitely likes shooting.
  • Bumblebee: Don't suppose you'd care to share who we're talking about?
  • Motormaster: What?! And have him shoot me in the back? I'll take a pass. You'll have the pleasure of his insanity soon enough.

Part 3[]

  • Bumblebee: So, we meet again.
  • Motormaster: That's right, and now it's time to show the new boss what I can do.
  • Bumblebee: So you just bow down and do whatever he says? Sounds pretty weak...
  • Motormaster: We have history. I crossed him once, and he didn't like it. It's something I won't do again.
  • Bumblebee: You Decepticons live in fear of your crazy bosses. When will you learn?
  • Motormaster: It doesn't take long to learn... the new boss is pretty much the same as the old boss. Comply or die. I'm complying, you're dying!

Half the Battle[]

Part 1

  • Bumblebee: The insanity continues. We haven't got a line on who the Energon disturber is, but reports are he has Ramjet locked and loaded for destruction.
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): Didn't we just dispatch that Decepticon?
  • Bumblebee: We did, but fear is an over-riding factor when it comes to whoever is out there.
  • Ultra Magnus: Only one Deception could induce such fear.
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): Megatron?
  • Ultra Magnus: In a sense. If it's who I suspect, it's more like... Megatron reborn!

Part 2

  • Bumblebee: Hey big, tall, and stoic, you going to tell us who we're facing? Or, are you just going to let the Commander fight on blind?
  • Ultra Magnus: I'd prefer not to create undue fear or concern that may distract.
  • Bumblebee: And I'd like to win the Galactic Olympics. But, I'm not gonna unless I know who I'm up against.
  • Ultra Magnus: Fair enough, knowing is half the battle.
  • My fear is, Ramjet now calls GALVATRON his master.
  • Bumblebee: And...? We beat him into full retreat mode in my reality.
  • Ultra Magnus: Not in mine...

Part 3

  • Ultra Magnus: Galvatron's minion shows his ugly conehead.
  • Ramjet: Galva-who? I'm no snitch. Who says I need a boss?
  • Ultra Magnus: Starscream is scum. Megatron has abandoned you, and Galvatron would scare you into compliance. The question is why he chose you?
  • Ramjet: The boss said he likes bots that use their heads.
  • Ultra Magnus: He thought you used your head?! Like you actually were programmed with a brain? That's a laugh...
  • Ramjet: With me he meant it literally, not figuratively. Get ready to see what he was talking about!

Chapter 2 - Confirmation[]

First Test[]

Part 1

  • Ultra Magnus: Commander, the flunky parade keeps on rolling. This time Galvatron is showing how low he'll go.
  • Starscream: Flunky? FLUNKY!? I think not you poor, delusional do-gooder. How dare you suggest that the mighty Starscream is somehow low.
  • Ultra Magnus:: Lower than your back stabbing brother Seeker Ramjet? I think so. But it must pain you to realize he is as capable of treachery as low as yours.
  • Starscream: Bah! His misguided actions were committed in an absence of true leadership. Now we have a partner... a fellow leader for all Deceptions... Galvatron!
  • Ultra Magnus:: Yeah, right...

Part 2

  • Starscream: You and your little party of weak link Cybertronians and human vermin roll around in search of your demise.
  • Ultra Magnus: Demise? Hardly. We search for your master in order to bring a semblance of sanity to the area.
  • Starscream: Be careful what you search for... oh, who am I kidding giving hollow warnings? Keep searching! I am sure you'll find what you're looking for. Like right about now!

Part 3

  • Galvatron: My minions were correct in suggesting I size up my adversary. Perhaps I'll let them live. You, on the other hand, shall not be so fortunate... next time we meet.

Part 4

  • Starscream: Galvatron told me to expect you. Your first test served him well. He says he now has all he needs to know.
  • Ultra Magnus: Don't worry, he'll learn some more next time we meet, But what we want to learn is why you are such a glutton for abuse, Megatron, Galvatron... it always ends the same for you.
  • Starscream: It ends with me where I want to be... on top!
  • Ultra Magnus: Really? That's interesting because we heard Galvatron vaporized you at your "coronation."
  • Starscream: Well, I still function, don't I? That must be wrong.
  • Ultra Magnus: Yeah, there's a lot of that going around.

Over My Dead Chassis[]

Part 1

  • Ultra Magnus: Optimus, may I have a word with you?
  • Optimus Prime: Of course, what is it?
  • Ultra Magnus: I fear this situation with Galvatron is my fault. I have had many chances to thwart his crazed ambitions. And, yet, here he is endangering my friends and colleagues again.
  • Optimus Prime: Many have encountered this mad bot and many have failed. It is not upon you.
  • Ultra Magnus: No, Optimus, this is my burden to bear. I must rectify that which I caused. I have had the chances, now I must succeed, once and for all.

Part 2

  • Optimus Prime: Commander, there is troubling developments.
  • Bumblebee: Judging from the oversized tire tread marks, I'd say he's up ahead.
  • Optimus Prime: We should proceed with caution. Our old friend is wracked with guilt and highly unstable.

Part 3

  • Ultra Magnus: I'm afraid I can't let you proceed.
  • Optimus Prime: What are you talking about?
  • Ultra Magnus: This is my fault. No more Autobots or our allies shall pay the price for my failure. I alone shall face him. I will not allow anyone to pass.
  • Optimus Prime: Stand down, soldier. This is madness.
  • Ultra Magnus: No, he is madness incarnate.

Chapter 3 - Showdown[]

The One and Only[]

Part 1

  • Bumblebee: Holy exploding spark plugs! Remeber that off the charts seismic reading of Decepticon badness I was talking about?
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): Yes, and indeed your dire predictions proved to be correct.
  • Bumblebee: Well, things just got mega-sized! Our old nemesis is rumbling through the wastelands and by all accounts he's angrier than usual.
  • Optimus Prime (MV1): Commander, ready the squad, things just took a turn for the worse.

Part 2

  • Bumblebee: The readings were right... mega-trouble dead ahead.
  • Megatron (ROTF): If death is what you're looking for, indeed you're on the right path.
  • Bumblebee: We're not looking for anything other than the one they call Galvatron.
  • Megatron (ROTF): Why does the wasteland cower when this imposter's name is mentioned?
  • Surely it is known that "Galvatron" is merely a name given to me by the human insects when they sought to control all Cybertronians.
  • Bumblebee: Maybe in our reality, but this one claims to be different. Word is, their Megatron was vanquished. But, this Galvatron arose from his ashes with the help of Unicron, making him the most powerful Decepticon ever!
  • Megatron (ROTF): LIES AND FALSEHOODS! Silence, or you will taste the wrath of the true owner of the title MOST POWERFUL DECEPTION EVER!

Part 3

  • Bumblebee: Commander, no signs of Galvatron, but it looks we've found his bit wannabe daddy.
  • Megatron (ROTF): How dare you cast such idle insults and baseless accusations, lest I remind you of what true power is?
  • Bumblebee: Save your exhaust, Megatron. We've heard it before.
  • Megatron (ROTF): Although, you're not the victim I seek, your carcasses should provide ample proof who the lord of the Wastelands is.
  • The imposter Galvatron will be served notice.. there is only one...and that one is MEGATRON!

Feared and Deranged[]

Part 1

  • Megatron (ROTF): Prepare to die, pretender to my power.
  • Galvatron: Please, save your empty threats.
  • Megatron (ROTF): Megatron never issues empty threats.
  • Galvatron: Oh, really!? You leak Energon and your parts are in obvious need of repair. The human Commander left you with one option. Lick your wounds and begone!
  • Megatron (ROTF): This isn't over...
  • Galvatron: That's what they all say.

Part 2

  • Galvatron: I see you two failures dare to make your presence known to me.
  • Ramjet: But Boss, The Commander's squad was too strong.
  • Galvatron: And you were too weak. Failure is unacceptable, but I'm feeling magnanimous.
  • Motormaster: You'll let us live... and serve you?
  • Galvatron: I'll give you a head start on the rest of your life. Turn around and run. GO!
  • Mottormaster: But if we do that you'll just shoot us in the back.
  • Galvatron: Precisely! Muhahahhaha!

Part 3

  • Optimus Prime: Deceptiocn bodies litter the Wasteland... indiscriminate destruction everywhere. Galvatron is near.
  • Bumblebee: He has a seriously dark spark. Did you see Ramjet and Motormaster's bodies? Shot in the back! That's cold.
  • Optimus Prime: That's Galvatron.
  • Galvatron:No, I'm Galvatron... the master of all that surrounds you!
  • Optimus Prime: The Autobots and our allies have no master... only the promise of freedom and determination to serve that which is just.
  • Galvatron: Well you have one now. Me... Galvatron... born of the power of Unicron and destined to destroy any who possess the Matrix of Leadership.
  • You have met your master, now prepare to meet your destiny!