Sharkticons are fierce warriors that were created by the Quintessons as their troops. They are generally non-playable characters.
The first Sharkticon Week, which ran from February 1 through February 8, 2018, let players collect Sharkticons of the main six classes. A second week ran by the end of July 2018.
Another third Sharkticon week ran from March 1 through March 7, 2019, which introduces 5-Star Sharkticons and a 5-Star exclusive S-1000.
Starting July 25, 2019, the waters of New Quintessa became dangerous again, as the Sharkticons returned for the fourth time. This time, they brought a 4-Star S-1000 offer (that lasts for a day!) and a purchasable 5-Star S-1000 for 30,000 5-Star Sharkticon Crystal Shards (that's worth three 5-Star crystals!) with them, proving that the Sharks' leader isn't really that exclusive.
Sharkticons play a major role in the original Story.
Outside of the Story, Sharkticons have had major roles in the following Special Missions:
Note that Sharkticons share some common abilities:
Signature Ability[]
Shark Enhancement
- Awakening this Sharkticon will Enhance it with abilities from some of the strongest bots on New Quintessa.
- This Bot unlocks abilities only once its Signature ability is awakened. Increase this Bot's signature level to improve its abilities.
(Only when a Sharkticon has this Signature Ability awakened can they use their abilities, which are some of the most potent abilities and Special Attack abilities from other Bots of their Class.)
Special Attacks[]
- 3. Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
- Shark Frenzy - All Sharkticons - If your entire team consists of Sharkticons, all Sharkticons heal 1~1.5~3% health for each Alive bot on your team when using Special Attack 3.
List of Sharkticons[]
Sharkticon Scout[]
Radical outsiders proud to be the quickest of the six Sharkticon Classes. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Max Health: 1067
- Max Attack: 139
- Max Rating: 321
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 2621
- Max Attack: 293
- Max Rating: 738 (sig 0)
- 4-Star:
- Base PI: 2139
- Max Health: 6810
- Max Attack: 761
- Max Rating:
- 2343
- 2540 (Sig 100)
- Full Synergy: 3160
Signature Ability[]
- When Knocked Down - 100% chance to gain an Evasion buff allowing the Sharkticon to Evade Melee and Ranged Attacks for 3~3.5 seconds.
- Special Attack 1: Chance to gain a Crit Chance Buff.
- Special Attack 2: Has Armor Piercing and a chance to gain a Ranged Bonus Buff.
Special Attacks[]
- Shark Swagger (Sideswipe's Special 1) - A couple punches do the trick, but look cooler with a flash kick.
- 100% chance to trigger a 13~25% Crit Chance buff for 4 seconds.
- 40% chance to trigger a Stun for 1.5 seconds.
- Gunslinger Fish (Prowl's Special 2) - Locked, loaded, and he’s quick on the draw. Watch out!
- 100% chance to trigger a 29~45% Projectile Bonus for 6 seconds.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Tech Sharkticon[]
A class of genius engineers known for manipulating force fields, and one of the six Classes of Sharkticons. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Max Health: 1155
- Max Attack: 110
- Max Rating: 310 (sig 20)
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 2,835
- Max Attack: 231
- Max Rating: 777 (sig 10)
- 4-Star:
- Base PI: 2139
- Max Health: 7368
- Max Attack: 599
- Max Rating: 2539
- Full Synergy: 3160
Signature Ability[]
- Passive: The Shark starts with 6 Shield buffs that each cap incoming damage to 8% of the Shark's total health.
Special Attacks[]
- Shark Blast (Shockwave's Special 1) - A quick warm up to knock the boom glitches out of the enemy’s brain garage.
- 100% chance to Drain 30~70% of a bar of Power.
- Sleight of Hand and Fin (Mirage's Special 2) - A stealth approach using technology and trickery helps maintain that freshly-waxed shine.
- Second hit is Unblockable.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Demolitions Sharkticon[]
The most unpredictable of the six Sharkticon Classes due to a propensity for pyromania. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Max Health: 1300
- Max Attack:
- Max Rating: 330 (Sig 15)
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 3437
- Max Attack: 229
- Max Rating: 759
- 4-Star:
- Base PI: 2142
- Max Health: 8932
- Max Attack: 595
- Max Rating: 2543
- Full Synergy: 3160
Signature Ability[]
- Under 50% Health: Gains a permanent 15~30% Special Damage buff.
- Special Attack 1: Chance to Stun.
- Special Attack 2: Chance to gain a Projectile Buff.
Special Attacks[]
- Feelin’ Toothy (Ironhide's Special 1) - He loves to show off his fin cannons.
- 75% chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds.
- Peace, Tyranny and Meal-Time (Megatron's Special 2) - Unification through consumption.
- 100% chance to trigger a 25~40% Projectile Bonus and increases Projectile Speed for 6 seconds.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Sharkticon Tactician[]
The oldest of the six Sharkticon Classes who demonstrate leadership qualities. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Max Health: 1382
- Max Attack: 113
- Max Rating: 325 (sig 20)
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 3,394
- Max Attack: 239
- Max Rating: 756 (sig 0)
- 4-Star:
- Base PI:
- Max Health: 8820
- Max Attack: 620
- Max Rating: 2140
- Full Synergy:
Signature Ability[]
- Passive:
- Gains a 2~3% Physical Resistance buff and loses an Energy Resistance buff when hit by a Physical Attack. (Max 10)
- Gains a 1~2% Energy Resistance buff and loses a Physical Resistance buff when hit by an Energy Attack. (Max 10)
- Special Attack 1: Chance to gain an Attack Up Buff.
- Special Attack 2: Chance to inflict Armor Breaks with each hit.
Special Attacks[]
- Fin Kick (Bumblebee's Special 1) - He may float like a butterfly, but he bites like a Sharkticon.
- 40~80% chance to gain an 20% Attack Up buff.
- Axed (Optimus Prime's Special 2) - Say goodbye to the weakest link with a few chops of sharpened Energon.
- 60~85% chance to trigger a 28~35% Armor Break debuff for 6 seconds.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Sharkticon Brawler[]
The largest and strongest of the six Sharkticon Classes, but not very bright. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Max Health: 1,522
- Max Attack: 134
- Max Rating: 313 (sig 0)
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 3,737
- Max Attack: 283
- Max Rating: 811 (sig 5)
- 4-Star:
- Base PI:
- Max Health: 9713
- Max Attack: 736
- Max Rating: 2145
- Full Synergy:
Signature Ability[]
- Passive: 12~20% chance to trigger a 16~40% Armor buff when hit.
- Special Attack 1: Chance to inflict a Critical Rate Debuff.
- Special Attack 2: Chance to become Unstoppable.
Special Attacks[]
- Shark Therapy (Grindor's Special 1) - A physical outburst at the opponent’s expense.
- 100% chance to trigger a -16~-40% Critical Chance debuff.
- Unstoppable Frenzy (Motormaster's Special 2) - An unstoppable combo from this Brawler Sharkticon.
- 100% chance to become Unstoppable for 3~5 seconds.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Sharkticon Warrior[]
Warrior Sharkticons train for 15 hours a day and constantly challenge the other five Classes to duels. If all six coordinated, the resulting frenzy would be unstoppable.
- 2-Star
- Base PI:
- Max Health: 1,330
- Max Attack: 118
- Max Rating: 303
- 3-Star:
- Max Health: 3265
- Max Attack: 252
- Max Rating: 754 (sig 0)
- 4-Star:
- Base PI: 2140
- Max Health: 8485
- Max Attack: 653
- Max Rating: 2541
- 2140 (sig 0)
- Full Synergy: 3160
Signature Ability[]
- Passive: Inflicts Bleeds on Critical Hits.
- Special Attack 1: Chance to Inflict Bleed.
- Special Attack 2: Has Armor Piercing and a chance to inflict Bleed.
Special Attacks[]
- Way of the Shark (Bludgeon's Special 1) - From a crouching position, the Sharkticon leaps into a roundhouse to reveal a hidden blade.
- 100% chance to trigger a Bleed causing damage equal to 40~60% of Attack Rating over 4 seconds.
- Shark Dance (Windblade's Special 2) - They’ll be awe-struck, and sword-struck.
- 100% Armor Penetration
- 100% chance to trigger a Bleed causing damage equal to 50~80% of Attack Rating over 5 seconds.
- Shark Attack - These Sharks are just as deadly on land.
Synergy Bonuses[]
Golden Sharkticon[]
This class-less Sharkticon may appear rarely in an ambush and gives Gold Crystals and Basic Essence when defeated. The S-1000 is the canonical, but identical, boss version.
A new, unstable form of Sharkticon that has only recently appeared on New Quintessa.
The S-1000 as an AI boss initally had no class, but became a Scout and an obtainable bot exclusively as a 5-Star exclusively in the 5-Star Sharkticon Crystal. hatt is, until July 2019's Sharkticon Week, where he was made available by other means through two ways:
- In a flash offer that offered him as a 4-Star
- By using 30,000 5-Star Sharkticon Crystal Shards in the Featured Bot Store
Brought into existence by unknown means, the S-1000 seems to have control over the other Sharkticons on New Quintessa. You'll definitely need a bigger bot to take this shark on.
- Health: 6,810
- Attack: 761
- Max Rating: 3,031
- Health: 16534
- Attack: 1846
- Max Rating: 8600
5-Star Rank 6
- Health: 19,005
- Attack: 2,122
- Max Rating: 9,886
Basic Abilities[]
- Sharkticons gain their abilities only once their Signature Ability has been unlocked.
- Sharkticon abilities and Special Attacks are imitations of those from the various bots on New Quintessa.
- Once the Signature Ability has been unlocked abilities scales with bot Rank and Signature Level.
- Signature Level increases ability strength up to 50%.
- Sharks become much more powerful when synergized with other Sharkticons.
Signature Ability[]
Shark Enhancement - The S-1000 has been Enhanced with the never-before-seen ability to replicate buffs. Increase this Bot's signature level to improve its abilities.
- Passive: Replicates a 20~40% buff of a similar type the opponent activates:
- Armor Buff
- Attack/Melee Buff
- Critical Rate
- Critical Damage
- Repair (Healing abilities generate reduced 10~20% effects instead.)
- Power Gain
- Evade Melee
- Special Damage
- Passive: When at 20% health the Sharkticon has a nasty surprise for the opponent. (50% for one of the following:)
- Shark Frenzy! - Gains 3x 20~33% Armor Buffs and 3x 20~33% Fury buffs for 7 seconds.
- All Hail the Sharkticons! - Repairs 10~30% Health over 3 seconds.
Special Attacks[]
- S-1000 Shark Swagger
- S-1000 Gunslinger Fish
- S-1000 Shark Attack
Synergy Bonuses[]
Sharkticons have a much lower PI and overall rating than regular Bots. You would be better off devoting your resources primarily to your main Bots in terms of main gameplay. But they a good option to feed excess Ore-13 into, then Forge away, then get another of.
Sharkticons can be forged to earn Sharkticon Crystal Shards for their next tier. Only regular bots give Sharkticon Crystal shards when forged, and only when the Sharkticon forged is exactly one tier less (until v8.0).
Sharkticons are primarily obtainable through Sharkticon Week arenas and calendars; outside the events, 2-Star Sharkticon Crystals occasionally show up in the Raid Store for 12,000 Raid Chips each.
The S-1000 for Commanders is exclusively 5-Star and only in the 5-Star Sharkticon Crystal, introduced in the Sharkticon Week starting March 1, 2019.
On July 25, 2019, a 4-star S-1000 bundle was made available.
- Earlier launch versions of the game had the class name in each Sharkticons' names. Currently, they are all simply referred to as "Sharkticon".
- Sharkticon Week was first alluded to in "Well, That's Just Primal"; the S-1000 mentions helping Rhinox "for a week".
- Rhinox also said himself that the idea of a Sharkticon week was "intriguing".
- The S-1000 is the first 5-Star exclusive Bot. [1]
- With the Netflix version of the game removing all the Cinematic Bots, the Sharkticons will still retain their special animations, so you could say while the Cinematic Bots aren't here anymore, they'll still be here, now just in spirit!
External Links[]
- ↑ "[S-1000] will only be available as a 5-Star Bot."